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Art for a Healthy Planet 2022

30 May 2022
ON Network
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Art for a Healthy Planet 2022

Image above: Bosco Sodi, A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains, Exhibition view at Axel Vervoordt Gallery, Hong Kong (13 February–1 September 2020). © Courtesy the artist and Axel Vervoordt Gallery.⁠

“This is a planetary emergency. With humanity on the edge of an abyss, and moving in the wrong direction, the world must wake up. Now is the time to restore trust. Now is the time to inspire hope. And I do have hope. The problems we have created are problems we can solve.” – António Guterres, UN Secretary-General

Our world is at crossroads. We face a triple environmental emergency – biodiversity loss, climate disruption and escalating pollution. At this truly unique time in history, we need everyone to shift perspectives and behaviors – and great art can do exactly that.

Art for a Healthy Planet is ART 2030’s annual communications campaign to advocate and raise awareness for the critical issues of climate, biodiversity and health of our planet. On Earth Day, World Environment Day and World Oceans Day, join us as we inspire action for our shared future, with the power of art.





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